Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Secret to Getting Something Better


"What you see is what you get!"

There's a reason why quotes become common place. It's because they have been shown to be true. Otherwise, once said, they would quickly be dismissed and forgotten.

"What you see is what you get" goes deeper than just taking things at face value. It means more than getting exactly what you see in front of you and nothing more.

What you see and how you see it actually define your reality. Notice I say YOUR REALITY and not just reality. We all live in the same world, but we don't perceive it that way. 

If I wake up one day, and it's snowing and cold outside, I might think this is terrible weather for driving the kids to school. If you're an avid skier you might wake up and think the weather is excellent today. We both wake up in the same exact world, but our reality is different.

We "SEE" things differently - just as if we were wearing colored glasses.

Colored glasses on our brain that is. Everything we think is "colored" by our past experience, good or bad. Everything we think is colored by our emotions that day. If I'm grumpy, the world takes on a sort of gray color that day. If I'm happy, the world seems a bright sunny yellow.

Fortunately, the color of our glasses is completely under our control. No external forces can make you feel anything you don't want to feel. No external forces can make you SEE things a certain way. Our creator, in his infinite wisdom, gave us complete control over only one thing...what we think. In effect, the ability to change the color of our glasses.

Having been given complete control over only one thing, it makes you wonder and appreciate just how important that one thing is. Seems it's all important. You can change, at any time, what you think. That's powerful!

Changing your thoughts can change your the instant you decide to do so.

There is no "reality". The world, and every smallest part of it, is just what and how you choose to see it.

You are the creator of YOUR WORLD!

If you're looking for the fastest, easiest way to change anything in your life, I have included the proven secret on page 15 of "Building Blocks of Prosperity".

Robert Schwarztrauber

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